Why businesses REALLY need a social media strategy

Search engines are struggling to keep their hold on the younger generation as it emerges that almost half of internet users aged between 18 and 24 prefer to look for fresh content on social platforms.

Youngsters are flying the Google nest that has nurtured them throughout their digital exploits and are spreading their social media wings as the likes of Facebook and Twitter become first pick for sourcing fresh content.

If 18-24 year olds make up an important part of your target market, you may want to ramp up your social media efforts as blogs, podcasts and videos are sourced on social networks by 43% of this age group.*

However, it seems brands are not quite as up to speed as the youth of today, as a separate report reveals that 32% of UK businesses do not use social media.

The report from freshbusinessthinking.com surveyed over 100 companies from an array of industries only to find that almost a third are not using social media to help expand and engage with readers.

The report was compiled by Catalogues 4 Business (C4B). Managing director Ian Simpson said: “Nowadays social media and digital marketing has become such a wide trend and it makes it so shocking that some businesses still haven’t deployed it. You would currently expect all companies to have social media within their mix, and more importantly have a purpose and end goal in mind.”

He added that among the brands that do harness the power of social media, photo-based sites such as Pinterest and Instagram are becoming increasingly popular.

A report by marketingweek.co.uk found that just 5% of those in the 55 and over age bracket prefer sourcing stories on social networks to using search engines like Google. This may not come as a huge surprise but the figures are still worth considering in your content marketing strategy, depending on your target audience.

*According to a survey of 2,000 web users from video search website Blinkx.

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