Twitter Amplify highlights importance of effective content distribution

We’re pretty proud of our brand name – Content Amp highlights the importance of giving priority to both sparkling content and an effective amplification strategy.

And it seems Twitter has decided to put more of a focus on the amplification side of things, with the official blog announcing late last week that the platform has launched a new partnership programme: Twitter Amplify.

So what exactly does this involve? In a nutshell, Twitter is enhancing the links between the social media platform and TV; or further amplifying the social TV conversation with real-time, dual-screen sponsorships and in-Tweet video clips from broadcasters.

This viewing experience is already prevalent among sports – for example ESPN and Ford Fusion embed instant replays in Tweets during every college football game for the benefit of both fans and advertisers.

However, Twitter is looking to branch out and extend this initiative from sports into other broadcast categories via partnerships with BBC America, FOX, Fuse and The Weather Channel.

Twitter Amplify not only delivers great, timely content to users but also helps broadcasters to reach out to new audiences.

This is an additional reminder of the importance of video marketing. Twitter has already introduced the world to Vine, an app which allows users to almost instantly create and share a six-second looped clip.

According to Crimson Hexagon, 95% of online public conversation around TV currently takes place on Twitter, and it’s difficult to get through 15 minutes of viewing without a hashtag making an appearance, further emphasising the leading role visuals are playing when it comes to marketing and social media.

Twitter is not the only social networking site to home in on video. LinkedIn has recently added video to professional profiles, which allows job seekers to tell potential employers their story using eye-catching and attention-grabbing visuals to complement an online CV.

Again, this all comes back to the importance of video – it really is everywhere at the moment. It’s even been dominating our blog!

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