The Content Marketing Chessboard

Whether you’ve been in the content marketing game for a long time or you’re a beginner just starting out, you’ll probably have heard of the expression ‘Content is king’. But where does everything else stand in relation?

Content is King – No doubt about it. Got a dazzling idea for a blog or have a blinder of an idea for an infographic? Do a good job and you’ll be extolled by your readers and saying a smug ‘checkmate’ to your competitors.

Analytics is Queen – The importance of great content cannot be stressed enough, but the only way you’ll know what works is by using an analytics tool. Good use of analytics allows you to create a kick ass content strategy that will boost engagement with visitors to your site.

Outreach is Knight – Rather than just being limited to straight or diagonal movements, the Knight can move in an L-shape. Blogger outreach can similarly take your brand in a number of directions, encouraging engagement among a wide range of audiences and really getting your content out there to boost brand awareness.

White/black hat SEO is Bishop – A game of chess sees one bishop patrolling the white squares while the other patrols the black. This is also true of content marketers: some comply with search engine guidelines while others use deceptive techniques to improve rankings, such as keyword stuffing. Guess which one wins you more points with digital audiences and Google?

…is Rook – Ideas welcome!

SEO is Pawn – Drawing comparisons between SEO and a lowly pawn is the best way to describe its worth compared with sparkling content. Keywords serve a purpose of course, but content should not be centred on the keyword to the point where it is self-promotional. Your main objective is to create interesting and relevant content that provides valuable information for your target audience, which incidentally is what Google wants to see too.

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