The Best of Content Marketing Memes

As the week draws to a close and our eyes increasingly drift away from our desks and towards the door, here’s something to keep you entertained until the clock strikes 5.

From the Success Kid to Condescending Wonka, who in their right mind wouldn’t want to spend their Friday afternoon immersed in the wonderful world of content marketing memes?

Content Strategy

The meme has spoken: having a solid content strategy in place is the key to successful content marketing. Without this, you will be creating questionable content that says nothing about your brand or business, confusing potential readers and jeopardising your existing and potential customer base.

Page Ranking

Yes, Aragorn! You cannot expect to get onto page one of Google as soon as you launch your content marketing strategy. Ranking high in Google is a combination of many different things, original and high quality content being just one. You can view their infographic explaining how page ranking works here. Get to grips with it and this could be you…

Search Engine Optimisation

This is what goes through many a company’s mind (more or less) when it is suggested they add content marketing to their busy schedules. But SEO is a crucial element of content marketing - not only do keywords help customers find you, they also link back to products or more content to encourage sales or boost customer engagement.

Write for your audience

While getting your brand message across may seem like your top priority, it is important to put your readers and their interests first. Make sure your posts are relevant, engaging and connect with your audience on a personal level to keep them coming back for more.

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From Facebook to StumbleUpon; and from Twitter (and its awesome video app Vine) to Reddit, there are a vast array of platforms at your disposal which you can use to boost your following - if you know how to use them properly.

Regular posting

Another top tip from Aragorn, who is full of content marketing wisdom today. Remember the saying ‘You get out of content marketing what you put into it?’. Well you do now - make it your motto and you’ll never forget to blog again!

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