High Quality Content Writers & Content Marketing Experts Take Note

Quality content matters for your content marketing initiatives. The sooner content marketers and content writers come to appreciate it, and work together, the better.

Climbing together .... content creators and marketers need to work together for success and ditch 'them' and 'us' attitudes.

There is an issue that many a content creator has with terms such as ‘blogger outreach’ and ‘content marketing.’

Shel Israel over on Forbes recently blogged about the topic, to which I have left a reply at the foot of his post, but I think it is worth expanding on in this blog here.

I think the key issue many content creators – great journalists, writers and video filmmakers have, is that when you add the phrase ‘marketing’ ahead of the phrase ‘content’ that quality goes out of the window.

There is a perception that because the content is going to be used for marketing purposes that the quality is going to diminish.

There is an assumption that marketers as a whole do not appreciate the content creation process the same way as say national newspaper editors do.

Yep, they like content, but they look at in terms of social and search signals; likes and how much traffic it drives to site/increases rankings/sells product. Yes, this is true, but increasingly the benefits of creating great content for both on and off-site are proving invaluable to brands.

SEO Content Writer

In the past online marketers and more importantly SEOs viewed content as nothing more than a necessary requirement to wrap around their valuable anchor text links. Content was outsourced to countries abroad, where it was cheap to create content, but the quality was often shockingly poor; or worse, articles were ‘flipped’ and ‘spun’ into incomprehensible language – but they got the job done.

This is no longer true. Poor content no longer cuts it. We’ve mentioned this in previous blogs such as – The Search Industry Needs to Embrace Content Properly and Content is Now at the Heart of All Online Marketing

Benefits of publishing great content

Great content, whether for blogs or onsite, can really benefit your business these days. Great content can and does significantly improve all the metrics that your business needs to rank well in search; eg. Search News Media partner with Asda. It also hits all the right social signals for success.

As a Publishing Director at Search News Media, I am regularly faced with the challenge of generating ideas, commissioning and creating great content that meets the expectations of online marketers – so it generates the ROI they are expecting from content. Part of this involves extolling the benefits of great content to our clients and letting them know how it can benefit their business.

But I am also responsible for educating writers and bloggers that we work with to respect the ‘marketing’ part of the term content marketing.

The two are not mutually exclusive and over the last two years I have seen both marketers and content creators, with our assistance and strategic support, come together to create some great work that ticks all the boxes.

Quality content should be appreciated by marketers; but so too should quality marketing plans by content creators. When the two come together and both elements respect what the other brings to the table, the results can be very powerful, far outstripping traditional marketing channels.

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