Freshly squeezed: 5 refreshing content marketing ideas

American business magnate, investor, programmer, inventor and philanthropist Bill Gates probably said it best when he announced that “content is king”. However, what he failed to add was that content can be toppled off its throne with a regal-like thud if it fails to keep readers engaged and entertained - a la the court jesters of yore.


While content marketers don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time a challenge to their kingdom draws closer to the castle walls, they’ll always need a trick or two up their sleeves to emerge victorious should battle commence.

Here are 5 refreshing content marketing ideas that will help to ensure that you are suitably armoured up for today’s competitive marketplace.

1. Listly posts

Shareable content is the name of the game and Listly posts could soon be ranking up there with the best. Users simply create lists on the topic of their choice and these can then be shared and embedded in a number of locations. Other users can also add or vote on the lists.

2. Old-fashioned serials

Creating a brand character is an easy way for customers to engage with a product or service, and serialising their story is a great way to keep them coming back for more. This long form story, offered up to the public in regular instalments, is also an ideal route for raising awareness of a new brand or product line.

3. Interviews with thought leaders

Whether it’s the doyen of content marketing and digital or the leading figure in a respected think tank, the public are looking to so-called ‘thought leaders’ to offer them an inside track on a range of subjects. Interviews could feature as a standard blog post, or to take things up a notch why not opt for a short video? This is now becoming one of the fastest growing areas in content marketing.

4. Social Photography

High-quality photos will always have their place in the world of content marketing and the old adage that photos can speak a thousand words still holds true today. As well Facebook and Instagram there are a whole host of photo-sharing websites that you can tap into including Google’s Picasa and Photobucket.

5. Brand Stories

Each brand has a particular story that it associates itself with and this can change or remain the same over time depending on a brand’s particular message and audience. As an example Fairy has stayed true to its ‘domestic harmony’ story, which it freshens up periodically to ensure it is moving with the times and current trends. BA also managed to climb up the brand story rankings with the launch of its ‘To Fly, to Serve’ campaign in 2011, pointing to its pioneering history and service credentials. Getting a brand story right can create a positive association with a brand that could last years or even decades.

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