The Content Marketing Landscape Infographic

We have created an infographic to highlight the content marketing landscape in 2013.

If you didn’t already know - content marketing involves elements of everything from analytics to content generation and SEO to social. As one of the UK’s leading content marketing companies we wanted to create an informative infographic that highlights how all these important disciplines come together.

You can view the infographic below (click on it to expand) and please get in touch to let us know your thoughts and feedback around it.


We wanted to create something that not only looks great visually but is in fact a very helpful at-a-glance resource for marketers looking to embrace content marketing this year.

Content marketing is set to grow phenomenally, but we recognise that many marketers don’t know where to turn when it comes to the myriad different considerations that need to be taken on board when planning a content marketing campaign.

Obviously at Content Amp we can help marketers with content strategy, content generation and content amplification, but we thought it worthwhile listing some of the invaluable resource tools available.

Oh, and if you love your infographics you might like this one we did when we were Search News Media around the evolution of publishing.

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